Got a question? We’re here to help.
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 15:00
Sunday: 08:30 - 13:30
We have a variety of classes and squads available to suit all ages and abilities if you would like to join a squad and compete please email us on
Please wear shorts and a t-shirt for trials or
All classes are on as normal in school holidays with the addition of holiday camps during the day.
Liverpool Trampoline Gymnastics Academy follows all of British Gymnastics policies and procedures. Please find these at
We may take photographs and video footage at the trampoline club in Liverpool to use for training analysis (live delay video feedback), marketing, and promotional purposes. To exclude your child, please let reception/the coaches know before your first session.
It is not the intention of LTGA to prevent parents from taking pictures of their children but rather to ensure photographic practices are carefully monitored to allow the authorities to act if inappropriate imagery is circulated and to deter anyone with undesirable intentions. LTGA adopts British Gymnastics policy statement for the use of filming via, camera, video or mobile phone at all competition or events. Any parent amateur or professional photographer or any person using picture recording equipment must provide the academy with all relevant details and have permission from the trampoline club in Liverpool.
At LTGA, all lead coaches are qualified to offer first aid support. In the event of an accident, our designated first aiders can administer the necessary care you/your child requires. Emergency services will be called if necessary unless advised otherwise.
If your child has specific medical needs that may impact their wellbeing or enjoyment of the course, e.g. the use of asthma spray, it is essential that reception/the coaches are made aware prior to your first session.
During our First Aid training we are also qualified to administer epipens, please let reception/ the coaches know your allergy before your first session at the Academy.